"And when I came to explain to them the
Nelson Touch it was like an Electric Shock. Some shed tears, all
This is the website of a self-confessed Nelsonite and researcher, aiming to
bring together my research as one online project to share with anyone
looking for information on Admiral Lord Nelson, his life and career. I
have a particular interest in his letters and diaries, which will gradually
be added to the site as and when I transcribe them.
I will also be sharing any Nelson-related news and articles.
Please use the links on the left and the search boxes on each page to navigate the site, and have fun! :)
NOTICE: The site is currently undergoing a revamp and therefore many pages
appear missing or incomplete, although some of the old pages are still
available. If you can't find what you want, please
check back later. Thank you for your patience!
Completed so far:
