Copyright Vicki Hassona 2013
St George

98-gun 2nd rate ship-of-the-line
Launched in 1785.
Wrecked in December 1811.
She was Nelson's flagship, as Vice-Admiral, prior to the
of Copenhagen, from Feb-March 1801. He transferred to the
Elephant for the battle, and then
went back to the St George from 2nd April - June 1801.
Presence at Nelson's battles:
April 1793: Off Cape Finisterre, took the 20-gun French
privateer General Dumourier. (Rear-Admiral John Gell,
Capt. Thomas Foley)
Sept 1793: Bombarded French batteries at Toulon.
(Rear-Adm John Gell, Capt. Thomas Foley)
9th March 1795: Fought in the Battle of Genoa, during which
Nelson in the Agamemnon captured
the Ça Ira. (Vice-Adm Sir Hyde Parker, Capt. Thomas
13th July 1795: Fought at the Battle of Hyères Islands.
(Vice-Adm. Hyde Parker; Capt. Thomas Foley) See
Agamemnon for more details of the
18th Jan 1797: Grounded briefly and went to Lisbon to
repair. (Vice-Adm Charles Thompson; Capt. Shuldham Peard)
May 1797: Involved in the mutiny in the fleet
blockading Cadiz. (Vice-Adm Charles Thompson; Capt. Shuldham
In the Mediterranean. (Capt. Sampson Edwards)
In the Channel. (Capt. Sampson Edwards)
Nelson's flagship in the Baltic before and after the
Battle of
Copenhagen. During the battle, she remained in Admiral Hyde
Parker's division under Capt. Thomas Hardy, and so did not take
an active role in the battle.
24th Dec 1811: Wrecked in a gale off the west coast of
Jutland (a peninsula in Denmark), along with the Defence.
All but 12 crew died, including Captain Daniel Guion.
